Need to take a standardized test? We’ve got you covered. Our test prep programs will ensure that you do your best on any test. You can choose to study in a one-on-one class, with a group, or even try a paired class with a friend. Our team will give you the personalized help you need to succeed.
Tutoring is available in person at our location, or
online through our Interactive Online Test Prep.
Crunch Program10 Hours – Plus 2 practice tests
$950 Individual
$850Paired Instruction$750Small Group Class
Best program for students who need minimal instruction, time, and score gain.
Flexible prep time: one weekend to 3 weeks
Boot Camp20 Hours – Plus 3 practice tests
$1900 Individual
$1700Paired Instruction$1500Small Group Class
Best program for students who need to overview strategies and review for all sections or a more focused approach to one section in order to get a solid score gain.
Suggested prep time: 1-2 months.
Comprehensive30 Hours – Plus 4 practice tests
$2850 Individual
$2550Paired Instruction$2250Small Group Class
Best program for students who need to improve in all subjects and make significant score gain.
Suggested prep time 2-3 months.
Payment options available for all test prep services.